Sunday, November 15, 2009

Your options tonight

You should simply skip from Limited Inc tonight to News From the Zona, where I'm proud as a little peacock of my Leskov post. Since I said what I wanted to say there. And, campers, it is all about SEX! (which I hope brings in the punters).

Otherwise, go here and listen to Mudhoney.


  1. LI, wow! While reading that post on News from the Zona, I somehow lost my breath.
    Maybe, when I recover my breath I could say a sentence or two. When I recover the use of my tongue. Whose use is naturally to form sentences. Not music or touch.
    As if sentences were the only thing which make sense. Or love. Or hate.


  2. "accosted" may seem too strong a word. but a man stranded here from Long Beach by his friends was hungry & asked me for money the other day. three times. first time, dark in parking lot, didn't feel safe. walking on sidewalk after leaving market - "accosted". i dug out change & a buck. next day, not so dark, Roger (that's his name, btw) asked for cig & i gave him the rest of my cash so he could get "out of my hair", walking behind him over the train tracks.

  3. that britney/anna vid was excellent Amie.

  4. North, perhaps it is time to change routes. Or - a bike! In my opinion, the bike's the thing.

  5. North, glad you liked the vid. I'm hoping you haven't run into that guy again, be careful, ok!


  6. the car is in the shop. i will never be without iced mochas again!

    thanks guys :)
