Tuesday, November 3, 2009

notes on Nietzsche's great politics

LI feels like a little note on politics is called for. The comments thread following the dialectics of diddling post made me realize that, just as Bataille divided economics into the “restricted” and the “general”, one could make the same distinction in politics. Mostly, I’ve been arguing under the sign of restricted politics, claiming that the various discourses of the truth are not just contingently located in institutions.

But general politics exerts itself beyond institutions. Nietzsche’s Grosse Politik, with its vocabulary of breeding, no doubt contains the stirrings of fascism – but it also contains a truth. Nietzsche’s great politics is about war. But the war that he describes is not between nations, nor classes, but a war of life style. A war about the living. In this sense, the great politics of the last hundred years has occurred across and around the restricted politics. For example…

For example, the greatest political event of the twentieth century. What was it? Was it 1917? Was it 1989? Was it 1947, the date marking the independence of India? All of these events fall under the sign of restricted politics. But to my mind, surely the greatest political even of the twentieth century was the collapse of agricultural populations across the globe.

How did this occur? I think four factors suffice: the development of the technology of storage; the invention of fertilizer; the mechanization of transport; and the mechanization of the farming process. Since the first Mesopotamian civilizations, a society that relied on livestock and agriculture was a society that was largely rural and peasant. In 1996, according to David Clark, for the first time, more than 50 percent of the world population lived in urban areas.

Now, what is most astonishing about this fact is that it found little expression in the restricted political sphere. Who, in the U.S. the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, India, actually questioned the fourfold technological mechanisms that were driving the smallholder out of existence? Not even the peasant parties proposed the banning of refrigeration, or fertilizer, or tractors – these things just “happened”. Of the great political figures of the 20th century, only one – Mao – engaged in a rearguard battle against this correlate of modernization. After the great disaster of the Great Leap Forward, with its Marxist orientation to industry, Mao began to rethink the end of the peasant base of society – and out of that came such disasters as the Cultural Revolution and its aftermath. It is one of the ironies of the fourfold techno-structure that it makes it not only economically, but demographically impossible to support a mostly smallholder economy – for as the cities get larger, the agricultural sector has to get exponentially more efficient, or famine sets to work. According to McNeil’s environmental history of the 20th century, to support the world population at the size it was in 1999 without fertilizer, an area bigger than the size of the Amazon rain forest would have had to have been plowed. And he doesn’t subtract the other elements – take away the road system and the railroads and the better storage facilities, and modern societies would utterly collapse. In other words, urbanization is so much part of the system that the system is not only set up to make smallholding agriculture difficult, economically, but an actually menace to the urbanized populations.

As I said, the collapse of those agricultural populations rarely was presented as a choice any population or government was making. No American president ran on the ticket of radically shrinking the farming population; no Soviet premier proclaimed that policy either. The coordinates were as though set, as though insulated from any politics at all. Instead, secondary issues – price supports for agriculture, or collectivization – were the ones that penetrated the restricted sphere of politics.

Of course, the agricultural population collapse is uneven. In India, for instance, in 1996, only 26 percent of the population lived in urban areas – in China it was 41 percent. But the population flow is inexorably in one direction. But it happens across the capitalist/socialist boundary. In the U.S.S.R., as late as 1929, 80 percent of the population was rural. In 1990, 34 percent was. Agro-industry in the U.S. and collectivization in the U.S.S.R. resulted in the same linking of agriculture to urban populations and the same restructuring of agriculture on industrial lines.

According to David Clark – from whom I get all these figures except the one about the U.S.S.R, which comes from Nicholas Spulber – at the beginning of the 19th century, fewer than 3 percent of the world’s population lived in urban areas. This was the oldest order. We have all dealt with the effects of its destruction in terms that organize restricted politics. And there is nothing in itself wrong with this. But it is the great politics that is the mover. And it is the effect – the side effect – of the great politics that will set the agenda for the foreseeable future, from the acidification of the ocean to the seizure of the atmosphere by the developed economies.


  1. Geseze der Erd, und die Schritte,
    Wo mit Nectar gefüllt, schreitend in Winkeln Gesang?
    Wo bedeuten sie denn, die bäurisch sinnigen Sprüche?

    -Hölderlin, Brod und Wein



  2. "Wo bedeuten sie denn, die bäurisch sinnigen Sprüche?"

    I obviously need to pay more attention to Hoelderlin. What a hard line to translate! the peasant's stock of phrases, his word - as Bakhtin would say. His earthy proverbs. His transcript.

  3. good stuff roger. look at page 19 of Nandita Biswas Mellamphy's paper: The Three Stigmata of Friedrich Nietzsche: Great Politics, Eternal Return, and the Philosopher of the Future

    then page 20:

    "This, I believe, is the active and operative principle of Nietzsche's concept of Grossepolitik (or "great politics" as mentioned in Beyond Good and Evil), its reactive manifestation being "petty politics" which Nietzsche equates with the knee-jerk impulse to preserve and institutionalize a certain configuration of forces (this is why the Hobbesian origins of the liberal subject inevitably make it 'slavish' and 'impotent'). As Nietzsche describes it, pessimism is the handmaid of affirmation in the sense that pessimism, "as an analytic" of forces (WP §10) can manifest both as strength and as decline -- actively as well as reactively -- and in this "critical tension" extremes appear and become predominant" (WP §10). Affirmation must first work through negativity, through "negations" (WP §11), intensifying the process of devaluation that consists in "the smashing of idols" by the "hammer of philosophy" (Twilight of the Idols). But this tension is productive because it is a reticulation that may produce active effects."

  4. Hey North, how nice to have you back in the loop, I mean orbit...I mean, good to hear from you!

    LI, this is such a suggestive post, and what it addresses really seems to exceed an institutional framework, any attempt to frame it as such. For what is involved - or "happening" - is migration, on a massive scale.

    "The coordinates were as though set, as though insulated from any politics at all." The four coordinates you refer to are all technological and yet if they pass as set and insulated from politics, they pass as "natural".

    Which, as you say, "sets the agenda" - the side effect - for the acidification of the ocean and the seizure of the atmosphere. It also does not a little - "naturally" - to the migration and the migrants and their "nature" and passage. In passing, a mere side effect.

    That phrase by Hölderlin is difficult to translate isn't it! I wonder if the question or rather practice of translation - ubersetzung - isn't related to that of nature/technology and migration. Hölderlin sure did attempt to translate, even if his attempts led to much civilized and knowing smirking - by Goethe and Schiller for example, nicely settled in their places. Hölderlin is quite the writer of migrations, of voyages, and "ex-centric orbits".

    I'm rambling, sorry. These last few posts and discussions did make think again of Holderlin. And how it is difficult to discuss what is difficult to translate - carry across. A question of sides and side effects! I could ramble on about how Hölderlin was intimately involved in the elaboration of the "speculative" and "dialectics", with his buds Hegel and Schelling. And how that might relate to philosophy and politics, as "speculative idealism" wasn't quite unrelated to a couple of revolutions, the Copernican Revolution of Kant and the French Revolution and what came to pass or not. But of course, Speculative Realism doesn't have anything to do with the Dark Ages of "correlation".

    So here is a French translation of that Hölderlin phrase:

    Où présagent-elles, les sentences paysannes sensées?


  5. Amie, I'd love it if you would do some more rambling about translation as passage.

    Because one of the passages for these drugs, these spices, these psychoactive substances is, of course, through a process of refinement. In this, as in so many other things, sugar is the model - as Mintz points out, one of the great problems in sugar production was coordinating the harvesting of the cane and the refinement of it, a process of boiling and crystalization. Which took place in an extreme heat that could weaken and ultimately kill the man or the woman who did the stirring, the pouring, and the grinding of the crystals. It was one of the reasons that the slaves in the Caribbean had such short life spans.

    It was that passage from the plant, the leaf, the bud, to a process of greater and greater refinement - better controlled, better understood - that brought about the whole industry of chemistry. It begins with refinement, and with certain 'necessary exotics", as Mintz calls them. Which paid for the state in the 18th century - the rum, the tea, the sugar.

    I've been trying to emphasize that the movement towards and from the new world happens in tandem with the movement to and from the ancient world - the world that Hoelderlin translates from, the world that becomes the reference for both civilization and savagery. .

  6. Hmm, maybe my comment made no sense. Sorry! There hovers before me, in the air, a tantalizing parallel between two processes - refining and translating - but I can't put that parallel into words just yet.

    Yet I'm pretty sure that the continent of Synthetica is reached by way of refinement. And that I want to ... allude to that machine that works to project the artificial paradise on our eyeballs.

  7. hi Amie! i found some english Hölderlin

    roger, you should read that Palmer Eldritch quote in that 3 stigmata link.

    don't make me google that guy i saw on tv the other night: he makes mummies by injecting plastic. i think.

  8. LI, that is indeed a very tantalizing parallel between refining and translating. I'm not quite sure either how to articulate it. Could it be a matter of a refining of technical skill and of usage? Which also leads to over-refining, over-use?

    Gut auch sind und geschikt einem zu etwas wir,
    Wenn wir kommen, mit Kunst, und von den Himmelischen
    Einen bringen. Doch Selber
    Bringen schikliche Hände wir.

    (Hölderlin, Blödigkeit)

    These lines are again difficult to translate, precisely because of the play between geschikt and schiklich. As you know, geschikt is both the past participle of the verb schiken ('to send') and an adjective meaning 'skillful'. How to translate geschikt here? And then again Geschik doesn't just mean skill, it can also mean fate.


  9. North, thanks for the link to the English translations. They include Bread and Wine, so I wanted to see how the lines I quoted were translated. Alas, the translation is of an "earlier version" of Bread and Wine, which doesn't include those lines. Damn.
    But now I can't resist quoting further.

    Möcht' ich ein Komet seyn? Ich glaube. Denn sie haben die Schnelligkeit der Vögel; sie blühen an Feuer, und sind wie Kinder an Reinheit. Größeres zu wünschen, kann nicht des Menschen Natur sich vermessen.

    (Hölderlin, In lieblicher Bläue)



  10. Wow, was that last quote from the last phase of Hoelderlin's career? To blossom in fire with the purity of a child.
    Actually, the German poet I've been thinking of is Goethe - the homunculus in Faust. Which I'm planning on doing some stuff with, here. Funny how Goethe is the opposite pole of Kleist and Hoelderlin.

  11. Seems to me lile the adequate explanation nees the relations of production more than the means. the means were just that in the higher order as instruments of commodification, just as in the simultaneous destruction of handicrafts production.

    Chuckie K

  12. Mr. K., I'm not quite sure that I understand. Are you saying that the means are simply variables, and have no effect on the relations of production? That the relations come into play and absorb anything? Whether our commodity is opium or cotton? Because that is an explanation I am turning against, here. Or perhaps it would be better to say I'm trying to twist it. I would claim that subsumption under the term 'means' gives us a false abstraction - and that this false abstraction is one of the ways the relations of production are naturalized. Of course, a merchant can trade opium or cotton over the computer, or he can sell derivatives, or whatever. There's an enormous fungibility inscribed in the system. But my point - which I will try to make without gargling about systems and levels and such, but it is hard! - is that the trader's point of view, that ceaseless flow of interchangeable commodities, is a historic product with effects itself - effects that actually effect the relations of production. The cultural transformations wrought by the system of substitutions are not simply an accidental outcome of industrial production, nor are they secondary. I would say, instead, that the development of the relations of production are mutually dependent on the system of substitutions. And that the primacy of the production of certain products should help us to see this. Sugar bore on its back the society in which the heavy industrial processes were invented - steal, steam power. Opium and tea bore on their back the very reason for colonial expansion. And to say these psychoactive materials were secondary seems, to me, to let an abstraction - the idea of means - overwrite this history.

    Of course, you might be saying something else. I'm tired, Mr. K! It has been a long day.

    But I will have more to say about the system of substitutions.

  13. Damn. wish you guys would translate stuff sometimes :(

  14. North, you are right when you are right. And you are right!
    I presume you are referring to the confused comments that I exchanged with Chuck K. All I am really saying is this: whether the relations of production fall under the label capitalism or socialism doesn't matter in terms of these underlying tendencies, the 'great politics". Neither capitalist nor socialist nations debated the social meaning of the fourfold technology I outlined. But simply assumed industrialization and growth. I'm happhy with the idea of convergence -which I think is a pretty good label for what happened.

    Now, I'm not making some luddite claim that fertilizer should have been abolished - far from it. I'm saying none of the systems of the relations of production willed or understood what was happening, until at a certain point they assumed that it would happen inevitably. But those (non)-decisions aren't just in the past - we will all have to debate them in the future. That is where the environmentalists, those sentimenal whalehuggers, are much more clear-eyed than anybody else.

  15. Hな人妻たちの社交場、割り切った付き合いも当然OK!欲求不満のエロ人妻たちを好みに合わせてご紹介します。即会い、幼な妻、セレブ、熟女、SM妻、秘密、以上6つのジャンルから遊んでみたい女性を選んでください

  16. 1日5万円~が手に入るサイドビジネスのご案内です。男狂いのセレブ女性はネットで知り合った男を次々に金の力で食い散らかしています。そんな女性を手玉にとって大金を稼いでみませんか

  17. みんなで楽しめるHチェッカー!簡単な設問に答えるだけであなたの隠されたH度数がわかっちゃいます!あの人のムッツリ度もバレちゃう診断を今すぐ試してみよう

  18. 最近流行の家出掲示板では、各地のネットカフェ等を泊り歩いている家出少女のメッセージが多数書き込みされています。彼女たちはお金がないので掲示板で知り合った男性の家にでもすぐに泊まりに行くようです。あなたも書き込みに返事を返してみませんか

  19. 性欲を持て余し、欲求不満になっている女性を金銭の対価を得て、癒して差し上げるお仕事です。参加にあたり用紙、学歴等は一切問いません。高収入アルバイトに興味のある方はぜひどうぞ

  20. 童貞を奪ってみたい女性たちは、男性にとって「初体験」という一生に一度だけの、特別なイベントを共に心に刻み込むことを至上の喜びにしているのです。そんな童貞好きな女性たちと高級チェリーで最高のSEXをしてみませんか

  21. 困っています。December 4, 2009 at 5:17 AM


  22. 一晩の割り切ったお付き合いで副収入が得られるサイトのご案内です。アルバイト感覚での挑戦もできる、安心の無料登録システムを採用しておりますので、興味のある方は当サイトをぜひご覧ください

  23. 復活、スタービーチ!日本最大の友達探しサイトがついに復活、進化を遂げた新生スタビをやってみませんか?理想のパートナー探しの手助け、合コンパーティー等も随時開催しています。楽しかった頃のスタビを体験しよう

  24. なかなか彼氏、彼女が出来ない君達の深層心理を徹底解明♪みんなでモテる度チェックをやって結果交換も自由、合コンや休み時間はモテる度チェックで暇つぶし!次にモテ期が訪れる瞬間をズバリ診断しちゃいます

  25. 出会ぃも今は¥倶楽部!オンナがオトコを買う時代になりました。当サイトでは逆援希望の女性が男性を自由に選べるシステムを採用しています。経済的に成功を収めた女性ほど金銭面は豊かですが愛に飢えているのです。いますぐTOPページからどうぞ

  26. 今迄は野外露出がマイナスイメージと囚われがちですが、実際は開放的な気分になり有名人のヌーディストが、オープンになる事を推奨してるぐらいです。このサイトをキッカケに知り合った娘達と野外で楽しみませんか

  27. どうしても相手がセレブだと高級感が有り、近付きにくいと思われがちですが、実際はただ欲望のままに快楽を追い求める、セレブとは掛け離れた女性が居るだけです。今こそ自分の欲望を満たすときです

  28. 最近旦那とマンネリで全然Hしてません。正直もうかなり欲求不満です…誰か相手してくれる方いませんか?空いている時間は多いと思うので都合は合わせやすいと思います。お互い楽しめる関係になりたいな。人妻でも平気な人いたら是非相手してください☆一応18歳以上の人限定でお願いします。上はどこまででも大丈夫なんで excellent.lady@docomo.ne.jp

  29. 当サイトでは無料でオナ動画を見ることができます。また、ライブチャット機能でリアルタイムオ○ニーを見るチャンスも高く、興奮間違いなしです。また、一人Hのお手伝いを希望される女性もあり、お手伝いいただけた方には謝礼をお支払いしております

  30. 日本最大、だれもが知っている出会い系スタービーチがついに復活、進化を遂げた新生スタビをやってみませんか?趣味の合う理想のパートナー探しの手助け、合コンパーティー等も随時開催しています。楽しかった頃のスタビで遊んでみよう

  31. あなたの異性からのモテ度数を診断できる、モテる度チェッカー!日頃モテモテで充実しているあなたもそうでないニートの方も隠されたモテスキルを測定して結果を活用し、今以上にモッテモテになること間違いなし

  32. 女性のオナニーを助ける場が救援部です。ここに所属してる娘のオナニーを見て気に入ったら、実際に会ってオナニーを手伝っても良いし、エッチしても良し、これで報酬Get出来るんですから美味しいバイトですよ

  33. 一時代を築いたスタービーチは閉鎖になりましたが、もう一度楽しい思いをしたい、もう一度出会いたいと思う有志により再度復活しました。本家以上に簡単に出会えて楽しい思いを約束します

  34. 昨日友達とセフレを作るのが難しいな~、出会い系サイトの規制が厳しいはとか話してて、アダルトSNSのサイトが今のところは狙い目やって聞いたから使ってみたけど、近場で楽にセフレを作れてホンマ手軽やはwww

  35. 女に生れて来たからには!!December 18, 2009 at 3:40 AM

    誰にも言えない秘密があります。実はとってもHなんです、せっかく女として生まれたからにはアブノーマルな世界に飛び込んでみたいです☆普段では考えられないプレイを思う存分楽しみ、経験したいんです♪快楽に溺れさせてくれませんか?一緒に感じ合いましょう!!都合はつくのですぐに時間を合わせられます。18歳よりも上の方がいいです!! quietness@docomo.ne.jp

  36. 流出サイトでは、有名人から素人までの他では見れない秘蔵の動画を入手しています。何より素人が相手の場合に限り、アポを採る事も可能です。動画でお手軽に抜いて、抜き足らない場合は、女の子にハメて来て下さい

  37. 日本最大級、だれもが知っている出会い系スタービーチがついに復活、グリーより面白い新生スタビをやってみませんか?趣味の合う理想のパートナー探し、合コンパーティーに興味がある方はぜひ無料登録してみてください。楽しかった頃のスタビで遊んでみよう

  38. あなたのSM度を簡単診断、SM度チェッカーで隠された性癖をチェック!真面目なあの娘も夜はドS女王様、ツンデレなあの子も実はイジめて欲しい願望があるかも!?コンパや飲み会で盛り上がること間違いなしのおもしろツールでみんなと盛り上がろう

  39. 女性には風俗がない!そんな悩みを持つセレブ女たちは、リッチセックスでお金を使い自分を満たします。金銭面では豊かですが、愛に飢えている彼女たちを癒して高額な報酬を手に入れてみませんか

  40. 女子○生の個人情報公開!?遊び盛りの神待ち女子○生の写メ・アドレス・番号を公開中!好みの女の子を選んで直メ・直電で今すぐ待ち合わせしよう

  41. 高級チェリーの冬は童貞卒業のシーズンです。童貞を食べたい女性達もウズウズしながら貴方との出会いを待っています。そんな女性達に童貞を捧げ、貴方もハッピーライフを送ってみませんか

  42. 初書き込みで申し訳ないんですが、都合のいい男性探しています。不況の中でも会社が高成長してて、忙しい毎日です。お陰でプライベートが充実していなくって、溜まる一方です。財産的にも多少余裕が今のところあるのでお礼もできます。何より、この書き込みが読まれているのかちょっと怪しいですけど…。アドレス置いとくので、消されないうちにメールくれたら嬉しいです。inspiration.you@docomo.ne.jp

  43. 結婚してから女としての喜びを失った玉の輿女性達、エリート旦那のそつのない動きには満足できるはずもなく、時間を持て余すお昼時に旦那のお金を使い、出張ホストサービスを楽しむそうでございます。今回も10万円での愛を承っております。癒しの一時をご一緒して謝礼を貰ってくださいませ

  44. だれもが知っている日本で一番有名な出会い系スタービーチがついに復活、greeより面白い新生スタビをやってみませんか?理想のパートナー探し、合コンパーティーに興味がある方はぜひ無料登録してみてください

  45. 当サイトは、みんなが玉の輿に乗れるかどうか診断できる性格診断のサイトです。ホントのあなたをズバリ分析しちゃいます!玉の輿度チェッカーの診断結果には、期待以上の意外な結果があるかも

  46. 男性との甘い一時が奥様達には必要になっております。刺激のない私生活はとても辛く、ココロもカラダもストレスが堪る一方、そんな中にデリバリーホストに癒しを求めている奥様、セレブ女性は大変増えてきており、男性の方が不足状態です。女性達の癒しとなる仕事をあなた様も一度体験してみてはいかがでしょうか

  47. メル友らんどでは誰でも気軽にメル友が作れちゃう、参加無料でいつでも利用可能なコミュニティサイト♪ご近所の気の合うリア友や、真面目に彼氏彼女探しなど、楽しみ方は無限大!自分にぴったりの相手を見つけちゃおう

  48. 大好評の逆ナンイベントが毎週開催決定!素敵な出会いのきっかけ探し・アイナビにきませんか?積極的な出会いを求める人達なら無料参加OK!あなたもほんの少しの勇気で素敵な彼氏・彼女をGETしちゃおう

  49. お家遊びに来てくれる人いないかなぁ?January 1, 2010 at 2:37 AM

    一人暮らし寂しいよ~(泣)誰かお家遊びにきてくれないかなぁ?休みの日とかも全然予定ありません。料理作るの得意だから来てくれたら食べてほしいな♪見た目は悪くないと思うから安心してください!(笑)細かい事は気にしないけど18歳未満の人は微妙かな、気軽に仲良くしてください milky-yukinko@docomo.ne.jp

  50. 冬に1人でネカフェとか寂しすぎやし、でも自分から積極的に声を掛けれる娘ばかりと違い、内気な娘は神待ちと言われるように自分の事を助けてくれるのを待ってるんです。貴方の優しさを待ってる娘は意外な程多いよ

  51. あなたのご近所の女の子たちと無料でカンタンにであえる家出掲示板!大学生・専門学生、まさかの女子○生まで!ちょっとしたお小遣い稼ぎに全国の女の子たちが殺到中!ノーピンクからちょっぴりHなお誘いまで…自分に合ったコを選んでメッセしちゃおう

  52. 簡単な設問に答えるだけで貴方にふさわしい名言がわかる、名言チェッカー!あなたの本当の性格を見抜いちゃいます。世界の偉人達が残した名言にはどことなく重みがあるものです
