Tuesday, September 18, 2001

I have a problem with my reblogging comment tool - it doesn't work. I have received some comments, though, so I thought it wouldn't be indiscrete to put these up.


From my friend Bernat in Barcelona, I received this:

I have been checking your website everyday and I have

found it illuminating (except the first day, when you

were probably still not believing what had happened!).

Bush is reaping the fruits his father sowed in the Middle East.

Every one here is shocked and horrified, pundits talk about the beginning of the XXI century and the new paradigm, bla, bla, bla. It is true that a

lot of things might change, but how is another

question. After the fall of the Berlin wall, everyone

thought we were beyond history, in this new liberal

society... Now even those Europeans who might have

been antiamerican and against USA foreign policy are

shocked because their frame of reference has been

shaken.I imagine the new scenario will be determined

by whether Bush decides to act unilaterally or with

the UE or even with Russia and China.

From Allen, I recieved this:

If Senem thinks you're unAmerican, what would she say about the author of this piece? (Although actually I don't know her nationality). The site this comes from, Common Dreams, is a good source of "lefty" commentary & analysis, most of it far more perceptive than this little exercise in the jerking of the knee. See ya.

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